COSCON Fall 2023




There are 11 problems worth a total of 179 points. Each problem will require either submission of your solution source code to Codeforces, or submission of the files comprising your solution to Dropbox.

Follow these instructions for submission to Codeforces:

Follow these instructions for submission to Dropbox:

P0: Mowing Poe Field [1 points]

View statementSubmit to Codeforces

P1: Princeton Subway Network [5 points]

View statementSubmit to Codeforces

P2: Galactic Vacation [10 points]

View statementSubmit to Codeforces

P3: Flip Flop Counters [10 points]

View statementSubmit to Dropbox

P4: Secret Santa [15 points]

View statementSubmit to Dropbox

P5: Hit The Fly [15 points]

View statementSubmit to Dropbox

P6: Air Goodness Index [25 points]

View statementGet test dataSubmit to Dropbox

P7: What's the point? [20 points]

View statementSubmit to Dropbox

P8: CacheSim [30 points]

View statementSubmit to Dropbox

P10: Course Registration [20 points]

View statement